This month starts with a new banner image, a minuscule detail from the infinite work "Recurrent Llull" by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. "Recurrent Llull" mesmerized me when I encountered it on a 66 x37 in. monitor at the Art Vault in Santa Fe, NM. The work, created in 2019, presents words, symbols, and characters that swirl, expand, contract, form funnels, divide, combine, descend in rows, rise again, ever changing. The medium is listed as "Generative custom software animation (silent) on computer and LED monitor ." The software is programed so that the work is infinite; it never repeats itself. All that movement is wonderfully hypnotic, even cosmic, mystical. The ideas behind the work are profound, as touched on in this video. The Mexican-Canadian visual artist has a Facebook page that gives a hint of some of his works — but nothing like being in a darkened room lost in the swirl and movement. I plan to pay homage to the work in October when I return to New Mexico. Recurrent Llull will be on view through April 15, 2023 at Art Vault.
My previous banner was a small detail of a Vincent Van Gogh painting;