Anyone Can Make Art
Anything Can Be Art
German artist Joseph Beuys said "Even the act of peeling a potato can be art, if it is a conscious act," as quoted by Eleanor Coppola. ----- San Francisco Chronicle, "Taking a Look at the Art All Around Us" by Leah Garchick, Jan. 8, 2015, page E6
Gerhard Richter indicated that the purpose of a top-notch artist is offering a spiritual substitute to religion in an increasingly secular world. Richter also said, "Abstract pictures do indeed show something, they just show things that don't exist. But they still follow the same requirements as figurative works: they need a setup, structure. You need to be able to look at it and say, 'It's almost something.' But it's actually representing nothing. It pulls feelings out of you, even as it's showing you a sense that technically isn't there." ---- A Wall Street Journal, "Richter at 82: Art is Still 'Sublime'" by Mary M. Lane, page D6, Oct. 17, 2014.
Gerhard Richter indicated that the purpose of a top-notch artist is offering a spiritual substitute to religion in an increasingly secular world. Richter also said, "Abstract pictures do indeed show something, they just show things that don't exist. But they still follow the same requirements as figurative works: they need a setup, structure. You need to be able to look at it and say, 'It's almost something.' But it's actually representing nothing. It pulls feelings out of you, even as it's showing you a sense that technically isn't there." ---- A Wall Street Journal, "Richter at 82: Art is Still 'Sublime'" by Mary M. Lane, page D6, Oct. 17, 2014.