“My Time with Georgia O’Keeffe”
A conversation with her weekend companion
Sunday, September 22, 2024, at 2 pm
1041 Morse Street, San Jose, CA 95126 (San Jose Quaker meeting house)
$20 per person at the door, pay with cash, check, or GoFundMe
A conversation with her weekend companion
Sunday, September 22, 2024, at 2 pm
1041 Morse Street, San Jose, CA 95126 (San Jose Quaker meeting house)
$20 per person at the door, pay with cash, check, or GoFundMe
Anna Koster will share what she learned about the famous artist through the summer and fall of 1976 and into winter 1977, when she worked as Georgia O’Keeffe's weekend companion in her two New Mexico homes. With that personal experience, study of the artist, and Anna’s long career in art museums, she gained a unique perspective on O’Keeffe’s life and her art practice. Lauren Baines, Assistant Director at Santa Clara University's de Saisset Museum, will be interviewing Anna. The program will start with a slide presentation, and there will be ample opportunity for questions from the audience.
About Anna Anna had the opportunity to serve as Georgia O’Keeffe’s weekend companion in 1976. She went on to earn a Master of Fine Arts degree in 1983, and she taught art through the 1980s. At the same time, her career as an artist progressed with group and solo shows. Then she began working in art museums, culminating in her position at Stanford University’s Cantor Arts Center, where she retired as Head of Communications in 2016. After a rewarding 35-year museum career, she is now focusing on her own projects as well as teaching and writing. Since 2014 Anna has led hands-on workshops at O'Keeffe's beloved Ghost Ranch, now an education center. Anna has also taught at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, San Jose Museum Art School, Nevada Museum of Art, through Stanford University's Continuing Studies Program, and at other venues. Anna’s next "Practically Painting with O'Keeffe" workshop at Ghost Ranch, NM, is set for October 13-18, 2024. Learn more about Anna at annakoster.com. See her resume at annakoster.com/resume. About Lauren Lauren Baines has 15 years of experience in the arts non-profit sector, working with museums, art centers, artist residencies, and performing arts companies. She joined the de Saisset Museum at Santa Clara University in 2016 as Assistant Director and has also served as Interim Director. She curates exhibitions, plans public programs, and manages the museum's marketing, promotion, and outreach. In addition to her work with SCU, Lauren is involved in the Silicon Valley arts community as a professional choreographer and performer and is the owner of an interdisciplinary arts studio. Lauren holds a M.F.A. from Mills College in Choreography/Dance and B.A. and B.S. degrees from Santa Clara University, where she triple majored in Art History, Theatre Arts, and Psychology. Learn more about Lauren at www.laurenbaines.com Have questions? Go to annakoster.com/contact to email Anna. |
Proceeds from this event support the wheelchair accessibility project of the oldest Quaker meeting house west of the Rockies, built in 1885. This historic building serves as the venue for the September 22 event. Read about the history of this building. Accessibility project information is here: www.sanjosefriends.org/wheelchair-accessibility/. If you can't attend but want to contribute, go to gofund.me/8bf2e82c.